Travis GOP urges elected officials, candidates to decline gambling interest money

Oftentimes the issue over whether Texas should allow for more casinos and game rooms is a matter of morality — whether one personally or traditionally approves of gambling or not.

But the political reality is much more complex, the Travis County Republican Party Executive Committee warns., especially when it comes to influence over our elections and our legislature. For reasons see below for our resolution approved Sept. 19, 2023:

WHEREAS Plank 79 of the Republican Party of Texas opposes expanded gambling; and

WHEREAS research has shown that expanded gambling harms most those who can least afford it and has a negative impact on public order and traditional Texas values; and

WHEREAS gambling interest hired large numbers of lobbyists and made generous campaign contributions to candidates to Texas public office; and

WHEREAS many gambling companies own facilities or transact business in Communist China, giving the Chinese Communist Party substantial influence over these companies activities; and

WHEREAS the Texas House of Representatives gave priority consideration to gambling legislation in the 2023 legislative session, in violation of Republican principles;

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRAVIS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that the party calls on all Republican elected officials to decline to accept contributions from gambling interests, whether directly or laundered through third parties such as PACs, lobbyists, or the Speaker’s campaign account; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the party calls on all Republican elected officials to honor the party platform and principles on gambling and calls on those in leadership not to abuse those offices to pressure Republican House members to vote for gambling. Approved 9/19/23


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