The position of Precinct Chairman is critical to the success of the Republican Party up and down the ballot. Below is some important information on how you can apply to serve your voting precinct:
List of TCRP Precinct Chairs (See below)
Find Your Precinct Number (official Travis County information)
Application for Nomination (for use between primary elections)
The Republican party relies on enthusiastic individuals like you to get out the vote for our candidates. Below is what the position entails. If it seems difficult or daunting, don’t worry — we provide free and friendly training. No experience or college degree is necessary.
Attend executive committee meetings. This is an important responsibility, as we must have a quorum of members to conduct official business. The Executive Committee is made up of all Precinct Chairmen, who steer the agenda of the Travis County Republican Party. This is where the action starts.
Activate your precinct. This is accomplished by identifying the active voters in your neighborhood and blockwalking. Nothing beats a boots-on-the-ground effort to get out the vote for your favorite candidates. Free exercise and socializing — you really can’t beat it!
Staff your precinct’s polling place on election day. You may recruit friends and neighbors to work the election so that we have local residents ensuring honesty and good service at the ballot box.
There are two ways you can become a Precinct Chairman:
1. Be appointed to fill a vacancy
Any eligible person may be appointed by the party to fill a Precinct Chairman vacancy year-round. An appointment is by a majority vote of the County Executive Committee present at a properly called and constituted meeting unless otherwise stipulated by the Texas Election Code (§ 171.024-5). You may check to see if there is a vacancy in your precinct below. If there is a vacancy, please complete our application and contact us.
The Travis County Republican Party Nominations Committee will then contact you to schedule an interview and will later choose whether to recommend you as a precinct chairman to the party’s Executive Committee.
2. Appear on the ballot and win
Filing period is now closed
Whether you’re new to this or are an incumbent precinct chair wanting to defend your position (even if recently appointed), you’ll want to file both the State of Texas and the Travis GOP forms to appear on the Primary Ballot in your precinct as a candidate for precinct chairman. Please return both forms to us (see contact page) or hand-deliver or mail to headquarters during the primary election filing period.
Precinct Chairman Filing Form (Secretary of State)
Precinct Chairman Application (Travis GOP) The application may be filed with the County Chairman or the Secretary (Tex. Elec. Code § 172.022).
For a list of Travis County Republican Precinct Chairmen (including contact information) please see below.
For eligibility requirements please see Article III of the Travis GOP Bylaws.
List of precinct chairmen updated as of 2/1/25
Click here if you cannot see the table below.
Map of old precincts (2020-22)