Do you want Democrats running our Republican Primary election? Of course not! And we want our general, special, and local elections to be staffed by Republicans, too.
You can help us assure fair elections by signing up to be an Election Judge, Alternate Judge, or Clerk. In the 2024 Primary we’re also looking for volunteer Poll Watchers and Ballot Counters. If selected, you may even qualify to get paid for your time and service — up to $22 per hour! The qualifications for an election worker in Travis County are:
1. Be a registered voter in Travis County (you do not need to be a resident of the precinct in which you are a judge)
2. Cannot hold elected office or be a candidate
3. Be available to work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on an election day (sometimes split shifts are available), and a little after/before to set up/take down, and attend the (paid) training session on election procedures.
4. Be at least 16 years of age and citizen of the U.S.
Click the button below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can (please give us 2-3 weeks during peak times). To work in Early Voting positions, you also must turn in an application to the Travis County Elections Division, 5501 Airport Blvd., Austin (take a signed Social Security card and a driver’s license along with you as they will want to verify your identity and residential address).
Thank you for your interest, and we sincerely appreciate your dedication to the Republican Party and to fair and open elections. If you have any questions please Contact Us.
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Election Judges and Alternates FAQs
Notes: Travis County Republican Party is abbreviated “TCRP.” This information is subject to change at any time.
How are election judges and alternates assigned?
In the spring of even-numbered years TCRP will appoint an election judge to a precinct for a two-year term. The term appointed judge must be a registered voter who resides in the precinct. The appointed judge is expected to serve in each election. TCRP also creates a list of alternate judges for primaries and to serve if the appointed judge is unavailable. The judge list is verified by Travis County Clerk’s office and presented to the County Commissioners Court for formal appointment. (Note that there are many precincts with no term-appointed judge.)
Prior to an election TCRP will contact its term appointed judges to confirm that each will work in the upcoming election as the first step. If the judge declines or does not respond, TCRP will contact alternates and then general volunteers to fill the positions. The judges must be Travis County registered voters but do not have to reside in the precinct to serve.
There is a statutory deadline for the Party to turn over its list of assignments to the County Clerk. After the deadline the Clerk’s office can make emergency assignments to fill vacancies.
The Clerk’s office will check the TCRP list and contact the judges and alternates to formally make the assignments and schedule training. If the Clerk’s office is not able to contact a judge, they can make an emergency appointment. The Clerk’s office will issue a formal Writ of Election to the judges and alternates making the legal assignments.
Doesn’t Travis County Elections assign the judges and run the election?
The Clerk’s office runs the election under contract with TCRP during a primary. The Clerk’s office contacts the judges and alternates based on the list supplied by TCRP (see above for more information). The Clerk’s office also makes emergency judge assignments as described above. The Clerk’s office provides election worker training. The Clerk’s office provides the equipment for voting as well as the processing of the votes. The Clerk’s office pays the election workers.
How do I apply to be a worker for Early Voting?
Early Voting is run by the Clerk’s office under a different process than Election Day voting. TCRP is not involved in assigning election deputies (workers) for early voting. You must apply through Clerk’s office on Airport Blvd, and you will need to bring your signed social security card to complete the application. Information on hours and location of the Clerk’s office can be found on their website.
Where is the polling place for my precinct?
The Clerk’s office determines the location of the polling places, and some precincts are combined. The polling places are published on the Clerk’s office website.
What is the role of an election judge and the alternate judge?
Each polling place has an election judge and an alternate judge. For a joint primary election there is an election judge and alternate for both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. For other elections the election judge will be from the majority party based on the number of votes in the most recent gubernatorial election in that precinct and the minority party serves as the alternate judge.
The election judge primarily oversees the polling place to ensure that the election is carried out properly. The judge has a number of responsibilities before, during, and after the election. The alternate judge assists and supports the election judge in all their responsibilities. The alternate judge runs the laptop and is responsible for attending ADA training. (See more below for specific responsibilities of the judge.)
What are the hours required?
The polls are open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Poll workers are usually required to be at the polls at least 30 minutes before and after. Judges have responsibilities before the election and after the election as well (see below for more details).
How do I get training?
The Clerk’s office provides the required training for election judges and alternates. Training for judges and alternates is on site at their offices on Airport Blvd. The Clerk’s office will contact the judges and alternates to schedule training. The training typically takes about 4 hours and occurs within 20 days prior to the election.
Are judges paid and if so, how much?
Election workers are paid by Travis County. Each worker will fill out a form at the beginning of the election day with employment information, and the judge turns those in as part of the election materials. Travis County will mail paychecks to election workers after the election. A fixed amount of compensation is paid for equipment pick up and delivery. The funds to run the election ultimately come from the State of Texas via the Secretary of State’s office.
What are the responsibilities of the election judge?
The primary responsibility of the election judge is to protect the integrity of the election process. Training on the equipment and procedures will be provided by the Clerk’s office. Below are some tasks that are in addition to work done at the polls.
The Clerk’s office will contact the judge and inform him/her of the polling place, polling place contact, and number of election clerks to hire.
The election judge calls the polling place contact provided by the Clerk’s office to verify details about access to the site on the election day.
The Clerk’s office will inform each judge in the Writ of Election of the number of clerks that they may hire, but there will generally be a minimum of two clerks per judge. One clerk must be bilingual (English and Spanish). The number of clerks is based on the number of voters expected at the polling place.
The Clerk’s office will schedule the time for the judge to pick up the election equipment. The booths are delivered and setup by county personnel, but the laptop and other equipment are transported by the judge.
The election judge picks up the equipment from the Clerk’s office within 48 hours of the election based on a time period set by the Clerk’s office. The judge delivers the equipment to the polling location, oversees its setup, and returns it to the assigned substation immediately after closing the polls. The judge can get assistance from others to physically move the equipment, but the judge must oversee it at all times. The judge from each party is expected to accompany the equipment to the substation to ensure the integrity of the votes. Clerk’s office personnel handle transportation of the booths to and from the polling locations.
The judge is responsible for closing the polls on election night and delivering the equipment to the receiving substation immediately. The Clerk’s office will communicate the location of the substation for each precinct.
Can I send someone else to the substation?
The election judge is personally responsible for returning the election equipment and materials to the receiving substation immediately after closing the polls. The Clerk’s office can send law enforcement to locate you if you do not show up. If someone else delivers the equipment and materials in your place and there is a problem, the Clerk’s office must be able to contact you to come to the substation or may otherwise send law enforcement to locate you.
Where can I find more information?
The County Clerk’s election website has useful information about the next election.
The Secretary of State oversees the election. Their website has useful information.
Updated: 2/1/24