SIGN UP: Help our November 2024 campaigns (block walking, phone banking, and mail room sorting, committee help, and much more): Fill out our Interest Survey here and also let our GOTV Committee know you’re interested.
VICTORY OFFICE: Our Western Travis County Headquarters is now open! Visit our new Victory Office any Saturday morning or when open during the week. Contact (512) 302-1776 or Leland@TravisGOP.com to volunteer and see our Events calendar for activities or RSVP on an event listed below.
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We understand how busy life can be. But even if it’s just a couple of minutes, could you spare a moment or two to help us elect Republican candidates in Austin?
We ♥ our volunteers! You may work on an as-requested basis, on a weekly schedule, at special events, or even just once. We have a headquarters and a seasonal field office that could always use some additional help — especially during the election and convention seasons. There are even ways you can reach your own neighborhood using nothing else but your smartphone. Whether you can make a few calls, knock on some doors, work a table at our county convention, host a dinner, set up for a fundraising event, greet guests, or maybe stuff a few envelopes, every little or large effort helps us raise the bar for Republicans in Travis County and throughout Texas.
Our professional staff are always happy to help show you behind the scenes and introduce you to the candidates, sponsors, and other movers-and-shakers of the Travis GOP. Plus, you’ll be working alongside some of the most dedicated local Republican activists in America who are excited to meet a like-minded, grassroots conservative like you.
To sign up for our Volunteer email bank fill out the form here
For more information about volunteering, please Contact Us
ELECTION 2024 EVENTS (click on link to RSVP)
Oct. 24: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/wsomyhze
Oct. 26: Blockwalk with Republicans in Travis County: https://lu.ma/mto5fa6j
Nov. 2: Rally & Blockwalk with Republicans in Travis County: https://lu.ma/pf4ewtq7
Nov. 5: ELECTION DAY — if you would like to help set up signs, transport supplies,
give rides, hold signs, etc., email Leland.TCRP@gmail.com
Aug. 3: Mail Republican Voters Envelope Stuffing Party: https://lu.ma/fb5s0z61
Aug. 10: Blockwalk with Ted Cruz campaign: https://lu.ma/2pzffxoa
Aug 15: Phone bank: https://lu.ma/ceu7eftw
Aug. 17: Blockwalk with co-host Austin Young Republicans: https://lu.ma/ljjihqdo
Aug 22: Phone bank: https://lu.ma/1wfkro6m
Aug. 24: Mailing Republican Voters Envelope Stuffing Party (no block walk): https://lu.ma/qal5lwmm
Sept 5: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/qlgi6uth
Sept. 7: Blockwalk with Austin Young Republicans: https://lu.ma/ji4ehcmi
Sept. 12: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/7itbpnum
Sept. 14: Blockwalk with North Shore Republicans: https://lu.ma/3lfn74li
Sept. 19: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/ubr7d4dm
Sept. 21: Blockwalk with Capitol Republican Women, Hill Country Republican Women, North West Austin Republican Women, and Travis Republican Women: https://lu.ma/sa7sdcmo
Sept. 26: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/jzijxon4
Sept. 28: Blockwalk with Capitol Republican Women, Hill Country Republican Women, North West Austin Republican Women, Austin Republican Women, and Travis Republican Women: https://lu.ma/jz71nbog
Oct. 3: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/k0nl0yuq
Oct. 5: Blockwalk with We the People: https://lu.ma/ptap364l
Oct. 10: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/jchxzc7r
Oct. 12: Blockwalk with True Texas Project: https://lu.ma/5qtq3d35
Oct. 17: Phonebank: https://lu.ma/2104kezw
Oct. 19: Blockwalk with Republicans in Travis County: https://lu.ma/r78hnm65