Beware Leftist education front groups

Traditionally, most every teachers’ association and campaign was concerned primarily for improving working conditions for educators and sound public policy. Today, and sadly, they are known for kowtowing to the a progressive Left-wing agenda.

The Travis County Republican Party voted on Sept. 19, 2023, to warn primary voters to use “extreme caution” and common sense when asked to take action on behalf of the organizations mentioned in the following resolution.

WHEREAS there are several PACs or organizations that claim to support parents but actually are pushing the agenda of educational administrators and organizations like the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) and attack parental choice in education and

WHEREAS some of these groups openly encourage Democrats who work in public education to cross over and vote in the Republican primary to move it to the left and

WHEREAS educational administrator front groups often endorse the most liberal candidate in Republican primaries in districts that are solidly Republican while endorsing the Democrat in competitive districts; and

WHEREAS these actions have successfully move the Texas House of Representatives to the left, particularly on education issues; and

WHEREAS Plank 100 of the Republican Party of Texas platform supports Parental Choice in Education, Plank 123 opposes taxpayer-funded lobby groups like TASB, and Plank 246 opposes efforts to get Democrats to crossover and move the Republican Party to the left (while welcoming those who sincerely support GOP principles into the Party);

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRAVIS COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that the party opposes the so-called #BlockVote campaign and organizations that push educational administrators’ agenda rather than standing up for the rights of parents and taxpayers. These organizations include but are not limited to the so-called Texas Parent PAC, Raise Your Hand Texas, and the Charles Butt Public Education PAC, as well as any PAC associated with an education employee association (TSTA, ATPE, TCTA, or Texas AFT).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the party calls on Republican primary voters to act with extreme caution relating to any endorsement or mailer or statement from these organizations on the issues and to cast an informed vote for candidates who are true Republicans and not Democrats or pseudo-Democrats pretending to be Republicans for political convenience. Approved 9/19/23


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