Austin Republicans demand conservative House Speaker
The Travis GOP calls for a House Speaker who will support Republican priorities in the 89th Texas Legislature.

UPDATE: investigate child trafficking allegations by Guatemala
the Travis County Republican Party requests immediate action by Attorney General Ken Paxton to comprehensively investigate these allegations and audit the financial allocations associated with these activities. The investigation must include accountability, safeguarding of taxpayer funds under §52(a) and protect the integrity of our local governance against undue foreign influence, reinforcing the security and welfare of Texas residents. The investigation should extend into self-reporting verifications and possible campaign finance violations, including gifts received and/or personal gain of public interest funding by "decision makers" in the past 24 months that may or may not have been reported.

Consumers deserve power when it comes to smart meters
Safety and privacy are amoung the concerns of local Republicans when it comes to newly implemented smart meter technology in Austin.

Vote for state Propositions 3 and 4 to keep taxes low
Travis County Republicans urge voters to vote for Propositions 3 and 4 on the November 2023 ballot. Learn more.

Later VATREs! Vote No on School District Tax Hikes
Austin-area Republicans add their voices to growing opposition to several local school district tax hikes.

Travis County GOP calls for new Texas House Speaker
TCRP calls on Speaker Dade Phelan to step aside after numerous examples of defiance of core principles.

Travis GOP supports Orange County Republican Party censure of Speaker Dade Phelan
The Travis County Republican Party, headquartered in Austin, Texas, supports the Orange County GOP in censuring Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.

Beware Leftist education front groups
The Travis GOP warns voters to not always accept what is said by statewide education organizations as the voice of teachers and educators.

Austin Republicans call for reviving COVID Freedom Bill
The Travis GOP supports the COVID Freedom Act to keep deadly mistakes from being made again.

Travis GOP urges elected officials, candidates to decline gambling interest money
The Travis GOP has some deep concerns about the feasibility of gambling expansion in the Lone Star State.

Oppose ranked-choice voting schemes
Travis County Republicans oppose Ranked Choice Voting. Despite it’s good intentions and promises of greater efficiency, RCV actually…

Protect voter’s personal information
ERIC represents a tangible threat to voter privacy when it comes to …

How much power is too much for a county chairman?
The Travis GOP stands by the system of checks and balances traditionally supported by the Republican Party. We oppose HB 4636 in the 88th Texas Legislature as it would …

TCRP opposes misleading tactics against HD 19 candidate Ellen Troxclair by an out-of-state PAC.

Resolution Opposing the City of Austin Providing Taxes to Subsidize South Central Waterfront Development
TCRP opposes using taxes to subsidize the South Central Waterfront project.