How much power is too much for a county chairman?

That’s a discussion being held in many counties and at the Texas Capitol lately, as House Bill 4636 would greatly expand the powers of a county party chairman. The Travis County GOP Executive Committee voted unanimously to oppose this bill. See resolution below:

Whereas HB 4636 removes power for filling vacant precinct chairs by party County Executive Committees and gives it to the County Chair, and

Whereas Executive Committees would have no authority or oversight of finances, and

Whereas the precinct chairs which are duly elected officials make up the County Executive Committee and represent the grassroots, County Chairs should not have unilateral authority over that spelled out in current party rules and the election code,

Be it Resolved the Travis County Republican Party Executive Committee oppose HB 4636 and request it not be passed out of the Texas Legislative committee. Be it further resolved a copy of this resolution be sent to Representative Orr and the House Elections Committee Chair, Representative Reggie Smith. Approved unanimously 4/18/23


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