Austin area trending redder after 2024 election
The Austin area has consistently voted more Republican in recent elections.
“Travis County has been so blue for so long, to see the trend even a little bit reversed is certainly a signal that Republicans have done a really good job at motivating their base and executing their turnout strategy,” a political analyst was quoted in a local radio news story.
That’s not all he had to say:
"In both the 2016 and 2020 presidential races, around 27% of Travis County voters supported Donald Trump. This year, that number rose to over 29%. While this might seem like a small increase, it translates to thousands more votes for Trump — about 44,000 more compared to 2016 and just over 9,000 more than in 2020.”
Good job, everyone! Your votes contributed to a Trump victory on election night 2024, and for Republicans up and down the ballot. Yet despite this gradual improvement, and numerous reasons why the Travis GOP deserves your financial and physical support, we're often asked questions why it is we keep on fighting. If you’re one of those with doubts, below are plenty of reasons not to give up hope. If anything, we’re trending in the right direction!
Why support candidates at all in such uphill races?
On general election night 2024, we saw scattered but sure victories (see some examples below). The same can be said for Democrats at the state level, but the media portrays liberals as inevitable victors in a completely hypothetical "blue Texas" future. We of course do not get the same preferential treatment by the media, yet we persist! Which brings us to our next frequently asked question …
Why did you run so few candidates?
Quality over quantity is one reason. When we recruit a candidate to run, we want that candidate to be someone who is vetted and trustworthy who could run the office competently if and when elected. Another reason is more complicated. With a Democratic monopoly in Travis County, it can often be difficult for those in certain professions to step out and support the GOP. Nowhere is this more apparent than in our legal community, where not only do candidates for judge positions need a law degree to qualify but they may rely on Democrat judges for their bread and butter. Many local attorneys will vote in the Democratic Primary to select their bosses. We understand the steep climb ahead, but we invite all of you to help our Candidate Recruitment Committee to identify strong candidates for 2026. Contact us if you know of someone courageous, qualified, and who would be ideal for a particular race.
Where are Republicans winning in Travis County?
The easy answer is where there are larger numbers of conservative voters. We have performed well in Lake Travis communities in recent years, and have flipped city councils such as recently in Leander. But the more comprehensive answer is wherever there are voters dedicated to our values! Sometimes a liberal performs so badly in office that a Republican candidate can provide a refreshing alternative — which is how we’ve been able to win countywide in modern history. But we firmly believe the right candidates at the right time can win, even in the bluest part of Travis County. The most shocking upset victories are yet to come!
It is also critically important that we generate votes for candidates and officeholders whose districts cross through all or part of Travis County. As one example, Congressman Michael McCaul (CD-10), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, was re-elected by a margin of 64-33% in 2024, in a district which includes western Austin and Lakeway and extends to College Station. A higher turnout of Republican voters in Travis County -- even if not a winning majority in this county alone --- made it possible for McCaul to win by a larger margin across the other counties he represents. Translation: we contributed greatly to keeping a ranking Republican in office!
The same goes for Congressman Pete Sessions (CD-17), a senior member of the House Financial Services committee, was easily re-elected to CD-17 by a margin of 66-34% in his district in 2024, which includes all of Pflugerville and extends up to Waco. Congressman Chip Roy (CD-21), a member of the House Judiciary committee who represents southwestern Travis County and the Hill Country, won 62-38% in 2024.
Texas Sen. Donna Campbell (SD-25), who represents southwestern Travis County in a district which includes the Hill Country and part of San Antonio, easily won re-election to SD-25 by a 64-36% margin in 2024. Texas Rep. Ellen Troxclair (Texas HD 19) was previously the lone remaining conservative member of the Austin City Council before winning her seat in 2022, and was elected with the support of TCRP. HD-19, which includes western Travis County and a number of Hill Country counties. She won 71-25% on election night 2024.
There are also many, many local victories to consider, as well as Republicans sitting on school boards and city councils across the county. On election night 2024, there were a few close shaves in Leander ISD foreshadowing future victories, and in May our friend Mike Herrera took his seat on the Leander City Council and gave the majority to the conservatives.
Our friend David Rogers on the Pflugerville Council was joined by Melody Ryan on election night, even though most of the same voters defeated a tax cut.
One tax hike proposition was defeated in Round Rock ISD on election night (Proposition D), and another school bond (in Coupland ISD) was defeated in its entirety.
And let’s not forget recent disannexation efforts, including the community of Lost Creek, part of RiverPlace, and most recently a small parcel near Manchaca — all of which voted to leave the City of Austin after being recently annexed.
Should we give up on Austin?
Absolutely not! We played a key role in Austin's 10-1 geographic redistricting plan, starting off with three conservative districts out of 10 in the City of Austin. Most recently, in 2020, Mackenzie Kelly unseated a radical Democrat incumbent, re-taking District 6 in Northwest Austin once held by Don Zimmerman. The liberal majority on the Council had to gerrymander the district in order to defeat Kelly and keep other conservatives from winning in the near future. But even in the purple districts, candidates must consider Republican voters as part of a winning strategy.
If most Travis County voters are so heavily Democrat, why shouldn’t we speak their language?
We should definitely make compelling arguments, but without sacrificing our time-honored principles. A lot of what a party does goes beyond our basic duties of hosting a primary and conventions, and providing institutional support for our Republican candidates. We also stand up for our conservative platform principles in the public arena. Whether by speaking out at city hall or the Texas Capitol, or taking to the streets and protesting bad legislation, we're eager for the fray. Our communications and outreach programs take our voices to new voters. We're not afraid to let the liberal media know when they failed to get the other side of an important story. There's not a week that goes by in which a Travis County Republican is not quoted in local, state, or national media. And often our appearances and media mentions are daily! These efforts are changing minds and moving votes slowly but surely.
Why be a Republican when I can be a conservative Democrat?
Because we're saving you money! As Republicans, we do whatever we can to keep taxes low and government as small as is necessary. Travis County Republicans have a history of pulling the plug on some bad bonds in the past and standing up against even higher taxes in the Austin area. In the last five years, Republican voters defeated numerous bonds in our suburbs and school districts. Combined together, we've saved the average taxpayer thousands of dollars per year! We're stand by the work our friends and allies are doing to keep the Austin area affordable, and we are always happy to stand with them -- which is the main reason we don't close up shop and move over to the other party. We're especially eager to support our many clubs and organizations which often do a deep dive into our community. We also have several official committees dedicated to important platform principles including elections integrity and public education reform. Let us know if you'd like to serve.
Would it be easier to just move to a nearby red county?
We urge every conservative voter who is able to stay put and help us lead the fight! A longer commute may be a better alternative to high taxes and unreasonable regulations, but consider this: You're not alone in wanting to move to lower taxes and more freedom. Austin is spreading rapidly across the county lines, and that includes Democrat voters as well. If we don't fight to keep Travis County from deteriorating then your new home on the outskirts of the Austin metro may soon become a progressive playground. Don't let that happen! Even better: Let’s recruit conservatives to move to our conservative neighborhoods and build our ranks.
I live in one of the bluest precincts in Travis. What difference does my vote make?
Your neighborhood is probably considered a walk for local Democrats, to borrow a baseball term. Any groundswell you can make for Republican votes would not be anticipated, and could do much to help contribute to vote totals across a candidate's district! You'll also find surprising common ground with liberals who feel alienated by their party's establishment. In other words, you're in exactly the right location! Make good use of it. We’re here to help. We do not pass off any precinct as “unwinnable.”
Should we just focus our efforts on the Texas Legislature, instead?
Not instead, but in addition to our other efforts. We're grateful to be "home base" to our statewide elected officials while they're in Austin doing business. Whether during election season or during the legislative session or in between, our excitement, our support, and our advocacy of an America-first, conservative administrative agenda reaches all across Texas. Being the closest county party to our state Capitol, we're eager to get the word out on legislative hearings and other opportunities to speak out on proposed legislation, and be a base of support for our Republican legislators and statewide officials. During the 2023 legislative session, our volunteers put in hundreds of hours in committee rooms advocating for issues that are important to hard working Texans.
We’re also busy helping to build the “farm team:” as one notable example, own Dawn Buckingham, former state Senator and Travis County resident in Lakeway, was elected Land Commissioner in November 2022 by a margin of 56-44%. While most of the credit is due to a strong campaign, we helped give fmr. Sen. Buckingham a springboard for this important run for this essential statewide office! And we'll be there for her whenever she needs a few bold Republicans to stand in the gap.
We could go on bragging but we think you get the picture! The Travis County Republican Party is the "advance squad" for a redder Texas and a Republican capital city. If you have any other questions or would like to get involved please drop us a line and let's connect. Also, we'd love to have you at any of our Events.
Image of Travis County precinct map — red precincts went for Trump as of Nov. 5, 2024. Data reflects unofficial results. Click here for detailed map.