Talking points to beat Biden in 2024

Attendees at our First Presidential Debate Watch Party of 2024 were presented with some talking points to expose the failure of the Joe Biden Administration, courtesy of the Republican National Committee. We share them below — keep them in mind and be ready when anyone asks you why you’re voting Republican in 2024! Use the hashtag #BeatBiden to share your thoughts on social media!


1. 65% of the country thinks the nation is on the wrong track.

2. In Biden’s America, savings are down, incomes are down, and economic confidence is down.

  • 60% of workers report living paycheck-to-paycheck—including 73 percent of millennials—with more people forced to pick up a side hustle to make ends meet.

  • Credit card balances are now at an all-time high.

  • 74% say their financial situation is not improving, with almost half saying their financial situation is actively “getting worse” under Biden.


1. Americans are paying the price for Biden’s anti-American energy agenda.

  • On average, Americans have lost more than $2,250 paying increased energy costs since Biden took office.

  • Gas prices are more than $1 per gallon more expensive than when Biden took office, and he has threatened to veto bills that would increase domestic energy production, reform the permitting processes, and unleash American energy.

  • Nearly 20 million households are behind on their utility bills.

2. Biden’s $1.9 trillion “stimulus” sent inflation soaring, with Americans forced to pay higher prices for virtually everything.

  • Americans have lost over $10,000 on average paying for the increased cost of living since Biden took office.

  • Real weekly wages have fallen nearly every month since Biden and Democrats passed their wasteful $1.9 trillion “stimulus.”


Biden slow walked reopening school for months, even letting teachers’ union bosses and major campaign funders dictate CDC guidance.

  • National test results in elementary school math and reading have plummeted 5 points in reading and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020, the largest average score decline in reading since 1990, and the first ever score decline in mathematics.

  • Only 33 percent and 36 percent of fourth-graders are proficient in reading and math, respectively.

  • Eighth-graders are worse: 31 percent were proficient in reading, 26 percent in math.


1. Last year, at least nine cities, seven of which are Democrat-run, saw record homicides.

  • In Biden’s first year, at least 12 major U.S. cities—all Democrat-run—set new homicide records.

2. 7 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office.

  • This includes the 1.4 million gotaways that have escaped past Border Patrol into the U.S.

  • Border officials say that the official number of gotaways vastly undercounts the illegal immigrants who make it into the U.S.

3. Homeland Security Investigations estimates that Mexican cartels are now making $13 billion a year smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S.

4. Illicit drugs are flowing into the country at an alarming rate with only 5 to 10% being intercepted as border officials struggle to contain the smuggling.

  • 2,141 pounds of deadly fentanyl was seized at the southern border in June alone, with much more getting through.

  • Since Biden took office, more than 21 tons of fentanyl have crossed the southern border, enough to kill 9.7 billion people.


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