Travis County GOP calls for new Texas House Speaker
TCRP calls on Speaker Dade Phelan to step aside after numerous examples of defiance of core principles.

Travis GOP supports Orange County Republican Party censure of Speaker Dade Phelan
The Travis County Republican Party, headquartered in Austin, Texas, supports the Orange County GOP in censuring Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.

Get to know the 2023 Texas Constitutional amendments
There are 14 proposals to amend the Texas Constitution this November. Are you ready to vote on all of them? We can help.

Beware Leftist education front groups
The Travis GOP warns voters to not always accept what is said by statewide education organizations as the voice of teachers and educators.

Austin Republicans call for reviving COVID Freedom Bill
The Travis GOP supports the COVID Freedom Act to keep deadly mistakes from being made again.

Travis GOP urges elected officials, candidates to decline gambling interest money
The Travis GOP has some deep concerns about the feasibility of gambling expansion in the Lone Star State.

Talking points to beat Biden in 2024
Some helpful talking points when sharing why you’re voting Republican for presidenti in 2024!

Kicking off Campaign ’24
The Travis GOP kicked off campaign year 2024 with a watch party for the first GOP presidential debate. Over 200 attended …

Voting begins in the May 2023 Local Election
POLLS OPEN in the May 2023 local elections -- from police accountability, to school bonds, to local board and council candidates, to the creation of new taxing districts.

Oppose ranked-choice voting schemes
Travis County Republicans oppose Ranked Choice Voting. Despite it’s good intentions and promises of greater efficiency, RCV actually…

Protect voter’s personal information
ERIC represents a tangible threat to voter privacy when it comes to …

How much power is too much for a county chairman?
The Travis GOP stands by the system of checks and balances traditionally supported by the Republican Party. We oppose HB 4636 in the 88th Texas Legislature as it would …

Top 5 reasons to support Republicans in Austin
We may be surrounded by liberals, but supporting the GOP in Austin goes a long way too winning nationally, statewide, and locally! Here are 5 reasons why …

Vote No on Leander ISD Bonds this may
Improvements are needed for the rapidly growing district, but this isn’t the way.

Amplifying your voice at the Texas Capitol
We’re working hard for you in the Texas House and Senate to represent your conservative values!

Vote for Vic! Conservative Victor Johnson ready to take back Texas HD 50
Long-time public servant and former military investigator Victor Johnson needs your help to beat radical left Democrat James Talarico in the Nov. 8 election.

How to report suspecteD VOter Fraud, irregularities
Here’s what to do if you see something amiss at your vote center.

RELEASE: Johnson to File Legal Challenge for Talarico Violating Residency Requirement as Sitting House Member
Did James Talarico violate the Texas Constitution by moving out of his district while still carrying on House business? Republican challenger wants to get to the bottom of it.